July 7, 2014
So going back to last week, the fevers are gone and my throat is basically normal:) I did end up going to the clinic after the new mission nurse kinda chewed me out for not going earlier. Funny thing, the doctor looked inside my throat and audibly said "EW" as if it was totally okay to do that to a clear foreigner who was slightly dying. haha it made me laugh, the hospitals and clinics in general are always a delightful experience here. so anyeways, im basically all better:) sad news that is was just in time for our district leader to start getting really sick.... luckily he's not doing as bad though:) the elders tried pulling a prank on us this week, but im like a super detective and figured it out! can't remember if i told you all that we played a really awesome prank on them a few weeks ago hahah we got them super scared. But we are way to smart for them to ever get us back.
So it was a great week! Our investigator Sergio came to church again and he even fasted this sunday!!! He's really looking forward to getting baptised now and it's been so incredible to see how much he has changed from not wanting anything to do with the gosple and saying he would never and could never go to church to now reading and praying and coming to church and even FASTING! He's looking forward to getting baptised the 26th now:) and his little girl as well:)
Our other investigator Jordan is so great! I just love him so much and want him so bad to have the gosple in his life. So can't remember if ive told you abut him, but he's 23 and doesn't and hasn't ever had a very stable or loving family. He lives with his grandma (she doesn't really like us), quit going to school at 8 years old because he was boxing, and has been going to the boliches (clubs) and doing drugs for over 8 years now so he gets into all the boliches for free cause they all know him. The last 2 months though he has changed SO MUCH! He's dyslexic and can't read very well, but he is reading the book of mormon nearly every day now! when he prays he talks about how much it just fills him up. How he's never felt so complete before. He's backing off on smoking marijuana and going to the boliches and is so much clearer when we meet with him now. Since his grandma doesnt really like us, we can't meet in his house, and there aren't any members nearby whose house we could go to so we meet outside near the canal here and he comes even when it's freezing cold outside! Which is happening a lot more now. He talks about how he cant put the book of mormon down sometimes and he has read all the way through 1 nephi chapter 8 which is huge considering how long it takes him to read a verse. He wants so bad to continue with the gosple but doesn't know how to do it with the struggle of everyone around him. His family doesnt like the mormons, they are all very evangelico, and all his friends are giving him a hard time when he says that he listens to us. He is just so amazing! He has a baptismal goal for the 23 of august:)
I really love seeing how the gosple changes peoples lives so much. the simple act of reading the scriptures and praying can change everything!
i love you all so much!
Hermana ashcroft
PS- Scripture to read- alma 41:14-15
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